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Hon.Awolaja expressed his displeasure at IJAYA PROGRESSIVE COALITION forum over APC Sagamu Chairmanship Screening.

Hon.Awolaja expressed his displeasure at IJAYA PROGRESSIVE COALITION forum over APC Sagamu Chairmanship Screening

I stand before you today to express my utmost displeasure and disappointment at the 'charade' that was called a chairmanship screening in Sagamu Local Government. 

The entire process was a sham, a mockery of democracy and a slap in the face of true leadership and slap on my face as a leader of this party and other leaders who were left out. Hon. Awolaja said.

The so-called screening committee was composed of individuals who have no political clout in our party leadership and hierarchy , and no understanding of our community's needs. Meanwhile, our respected leaders, who have dedicated their lives to serving our people and this great party of ours the All Progressive Party, were deliberately left out. I was even there physically at the venue and was told I can't be part of the screening Committee.

This is an insult to our collective intelligence and a betrayal of trust. How can we expect to move forward as a party when we disregard the very people who have built our foundation?

I demand an explanation for this travesty. Who was behind this decision? What was the criteria for selecting this committee? And what is the motive behind sidelining our true leaders?

We stand together and reject this charade. We demand a transparent, and inclusive process that honors our leaders and our community at subsequent process as this.

His Excellency, the Governor of our State Prince Dr. Dapo Abiodun CON  is aware and he believes the needful will be done according to him.
His displeasure with other leaders were made known at the IJAYA Progressive Coalition meeting that holds every Monday.

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